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What We Do

Catholic Foundation’s mandate since 2015 is to be the fundraising arm of the Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore.


In line with this mandate, it provides block funding to the Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop of Singapore (TRCAS), supporting only approved initiatives of the archbishop that are aligned to the vision of the Archdiocese to build a vibrant, evangelising and missionary Church.


Causes funded by Catholic Foundation:

  • Operations of key Catholic organisations that are responsible for evangelisation efforts and formation of the Catholic community, such as:













  • Initiatives that promote and support the vision of the Archdiocese such as the Strategic Planning and Communion, and the Catholic Archdiocese’s 200th anniversary celebrations.

  • Scholarships to support the building of the human and organisational capacity of the Church in Singapore.

  • Clergy welfare and retirement for our elderly shepherds.

  • Major building projects such as Bethany East, St Francis Xavier Seminary Building and the Catholic Hub.

  • Sinking funds for the future lease renewals and building renovations of parishes and the Archdiocese’s properties.

ACCS logo.png

Archdiocesan Commission for Catholic Schools

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Digital Church Office


Catholic Leadership Centre

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Office for Catechesis

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Catholic Theological Institute of Singapore


Office for the
New Evangelisation

Office for
Young People

How We Do It

After Catholic Foundation was established in 2012, it made its first call to select Archdiocesan organisations for grants in 2013. In 2014, the Catholic Foundation’s second full year of operations, it disbursed a sum of $453,870 in grants.


Since then, grant disbursements have been increasing in line with the rising needs of the Church.

Find out more about grant disbursements in Catholic Foundation’s annual reports.


$7,372, 591

* Figure for 18-month period from 1 Oct 2016 to 31 Mar 2018, due to change in financial year-end.


Accountability of Funds:

  • Catholic Foundation is set up as a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) and a registered charity in Singapore (UEN No: 201231391K).


  1. Any activity or fundraising effort by Catholic Foundation follows all guidelines and regulations spelt out in the Charities Act.

  2. Catholic Foundation is answerable to the Commissioner of Charities.

  • Catholic Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Archbishop.


The board consists of leadership priests, as well as professionals with relevant backgrounds such as accounting, legal, and corporate governance.

  • Catholic Foundation is transparent.

Information of how money is raised and used can be found in Catholic Foundation’s annual reports and communications with donors.

  • Catholic Foundation is audited.

The financial statements, as well as accounting and control processes of the Catholic Foundation, are audited by an independent auditor, Deloitte & Touche.

Who We Are

Board of Directors
Pauline Goh
Deputy Chairperson
Vivienne Lim
Andrew Chai
Lawrence Chan
Derrick Chee
Patricia Chui
Lawrence Foo
Kevan Goh
Kwek Eik Sheng
Lee Suan Hiang
Marc Lo
Paul Loo
Wong Toon King
Rev Msgr James Yeo
Rev Msgr Stephen Yim
Bernadette Yuen
Our Staff
Executive Director
Lilian Kong
Deputy Executive Director
Elaine Yeo
Communications Executive
Ervin Tan
Communications Manager
Sandra Hernandez
Donations & Volunteers Executive
Christine Foo
Donations & Volunteers Executive
Christopher Chan
Processing & Volunteers Manager
Gregory Lou
Finance Manager
Jenny Tan
Senior Accountant
Angelika Sri Sundari
Stefanie Ann Herman
Fundraising Executive
Caroline Kung
IT Manager
Christopher Tan
Systems & Data Specialist
Ambrose Arokiam


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