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GIFT Campaign Report (1 January 2021 – 31 March 2021)

Ervin Tan

The GIFT (Giving in Faith and Thankfulness) campaign was launched in Advent 2016 to support the archdiocese’s vision of a more vibrant, evangelising and missionary Church. This quarterly report updates on the campaign’s progress.

Phase 3 of the nation’s reopening plan officially kicked off on 28 December 2020. This marked the gradual lifting of restrictions, which now allows for up to 250 people per Mass.

Yet, the increase in participation at physical Mass did not translate to greater giving through parishes in support of our Church. From January to March 2021, GIFT collections at parishes amounted to less than $80,000 of the total $3.1 million collected, significantly lower than in the same quarter last year when Masses were suspended for half the period (from 14 February 2020).

Nevertheless, overall collections of the same quarter across both years were generally maintained, partly as a result of more individuals answering the call to give through regular pledges. The Covid-19 pandemic brought to light the importance of regular giving as it sustained contributions needed to support the Church when contributing physically at Church was not an option.

The Foundation has since placed emphasis on appealing for regular givers. As of the end of Quarter 1, there are about 4,000 pledges that together contribute almost $400,000 monthly.

Juliana Foo, Executive Director of Catholic Foundation, said, “We are especially thankful for the stewardship and generosity of those who continue to support the Church in the troubling times we are in. While physical activities are reduced, the work to build a more vibrant, evangelising and missionary Church continues, now more than ever.”


Upcoming Activities

Self-Leadership Formation: A Leader’s Spirituality

Conducted online by the Catholic Leadership Centre on 13 Mar, 27 Mar, 10 Apr and 24 Apr 2021, this introductory module consisted of four online sessions (3 hours each) over 8 weeks, and workbook exercises for individual reflection, praxis and spiritual deepening.

Participants enjoyed the course and thought it was well-paced with enough time for reflection.

It addressed the heart of spiritually fruitful Christian leadership – the individual’s lived personal relationship with Christ.

The next course will run on 18 Sep, 2 Oct, 16 Oct, 30 Oct 2021, 9 am to 12 noon, over Zoom.

Those interested in joining may wish to indicate their interest

Be a part of Catholic200SG

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Support the organising costs of Catholic200SG and the future of the Catholic Church in Singapore. Make a contribution to the Ignite200 Fund, a Restricted Fund of Catholic Foundation.


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