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GIFT Campaign Report (1 July 2021 – 31 September 2021)

Ervin Tan

The GIFT (Giving in Faith and Thankfulness) campaign was launched in Advent 2016 to support the archdiocese’s vision of a more vibrant, evangelising and missionary Church. This quarterly report updates on the campaign’s progress.

In the most recent quarter (July to September 2021), total GIFT collections were over $5.9 million. This is due primarily to significant ad hoc contributions that collectively amounted to $4.4 million.

In comparison with Quarter 2 (April to June 2021), contributions through parishes fell to about $110,000 as Covid restrictions continued to take their toll on physical Mass attendance. Contributions from pledges (about $1.2 million) increased slightly, as did the number of pledges (about 4,200) at the end of the quarter.

Contributions to restricted funds are uneven across the quarters.

“As always, we are heartened by the support and generosity of all our contributors, regardless of the amount they give, “ said Juliana Foo, Executive Director of Catholic Foundation. “To sustain our Church throughout the current Covid situation and future challenges, we appeal to every Catholic to give regularly through a monthly GIFT pledge. Please pray and discern how you can give for the needs of our Archdiocese, in line with our responsibility as stewards of God’s blessings.”

We ask for your continued support and prayers for our Archdiocese as we work as one to build the Church today for tomorrow. Let us ignite and shine with faith!

Catholic Foundation Limited


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