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GIFT Campaign Report (Year 2021)

Ervin Tan

The GIFT (Giving in Faith and Thankfulness) programme was launched in Advent 2016 to support the Archdiocese’s vision of a more vibrant, evangelising and missionary Church. This quarterly report provides updates on its progress for the calendar year 2021.

The GIFT programme witnessed an unprecedented spike in support in 2021. With the grace of God, $32.1 million was raised for the needs of the Archdiocese, surpassing the year’s fundraising target of $20 million.

In 2021, as one Church we came together to commemorate Catholic200SG, which marked the 200th anniversary of the Catholic Church in Singapore. With many events planned, the need to provide for various activities organised as part of Catholic200SG arose.

The Foundation created the Ignite200 Fund to receive support for the organising costs of the year-long Catholic200SG celebrations and for the future of the Catholic Church in Singapore. More than $500,000 was collected for this fund during the year.

The increase in overall generosity is more largely attributed to support for the Catholic Hub with over $11 million received for its restricted fund. Plans for the Hub have taken shape, but sufficient funds for the entire project would need to be raised. Thus, the Foundation will be making more information available for Catholics to learn more about the building project.

Throughout 2021, the Foundation continued its emphasis on the importance of regular giving. As a result, the number of givers with a regular pledge saw a small increase of 7% from 2020. With this growth, a total of more than $425,000 will be channelled to support the Church each month. While this is encouraging, more givers have to come on board to ensure that the Archdiocese has a secure and reliable source of funding.

We are humbled by and are very grateful to all contributors who have answered the call to support the Church.

We ask for your continued support and prayers for our Archdiocese as we work as one to build the Church today for tomorrow. 

Catholic Foundation Limited


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