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The Challenge

The Catholic Church works tirelessly for its spiritual mission to “unite all things in Him” (CCC 772). But to do this, the Church requires physical resources to live and work on earth.


The Church is one body made of many parts. Thus, the funding for various needs of the Archdiocese is split into different pools of funds, each managed separately.


Donations to Catholic charities (Caritas Singapore, CHARIS and their affiliates) and to the religious congregations, for instance, are collected and used solely for their particular purposes, and do not go towards funding other organisations in the Archdiocese or the parishes.


Traditionally, the 32 parishes and numerous Archdiocesan organisations (apart from charities and affiliates of Caritas and CHARIS) are funded by weekly offertories and other collections made during Masses.


Each parish would contribute a fixed 15% share of its collections to the Archdiocese, the rest of which were kept for the parish’s own needs. Beginning 2016, the 15% fixed contribution was revised to a tiered system of between 8% and 28% depending on the income of each parish.


However, even with the revised rates, this contribution cannot meet the expanding needs of the Archdiocese. Thus, GIFT supplements a funding model that has become insufficient for the Church in recent years.


What is Needed
Operational Needs

Resources are needed for the many offices, commissions, councils and other organisations in the Archdiocese to continue their work in key areas including education, evangelisation, families and youth. They work as many parts of one body, seeking to bring the light of Christ to every aspect of society. Notable organisations include the Archdiocesan Commission for Catholic Schools (ACCS), Office for the New Evangelisation (ONE), Office for Young People (OYP), and more.


Building Needs

On top of current operational costs, the Archdiocese has infrastructural projects, building maintenance and land lease renewals, each of which runs into the millions. The Foundation continues to fundraise for the Catholic Hub, designed as a key centre for the Archdiocese’s activities.




Catholic Foundation Limited


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